The friendly nation of Fallmeade is occupied by The Order of the Red Blade, a loose-knit tribal organization rising from the Tûran population in the lawless area of eastern Tibbenlan. The Order has taken the capital of Fallmeade, Clyndwyn, and have claimed the land for their own. It is said that they plan to march south, through Terian’s pass, and invade the peaceful and prosperous nation of Ardun.
Alshenis has been overthrown by a warring dictator. He is blaming the elves for the nations recent ails, and is taking Alshenis away from its role as a leader on the continent.
Sharzog is a dark land of anarchy and crime, run by orcs who effectively rule the land and waters around the southerly nation. Dor-Athan is the elven homeland, where Amber, White and other new elven races reside. Their dwarven neighbors reside in Bir-Muzad, situated where the Oktan Mountains meet the Zagul Peaks.
Welcome to Margant, a large continent found on the celestial body Elessëa, a planet not unlike Earth. Margant is populated with the usual suspects and all manner of beasts, malevolent and benign.
Herein you will find a world suitable for any medieval fantasy setting. This supplement includes a large, fold-out map of the continent and a 28-page book describing each nation found therein. It also includes information on the pantheons of gods that are worshipped by the human inhabitants of the continent of Margant. Each nation is described, but there is a lot of room for a GM to insert his or her own adventures, magic and intrigue.